Finntech News (2021-11-12)

Published by Laith Saket on

Out of Jordan, an Autonomous Algorithmic Bot Emerges, With Bitcoin Squarely in Its AYM

Published on Finntech News

Published: 2021-11-12

We sat down with Mr. Ahmad Alsharqatli, CEO of AYM, to find out more about this revolutionary smart Bitcoin solution that is disrupting the way wealth is created.

Ahmad Alsharqatli

Ahmad Alsharqatli

What is AYM?

At AYM we develop next generation crypto-asset trading and investing solutions. Our range of software bridges the divide between traditional finance, crypto-assets and blockchain enabled applications.

Can you tell us more about AYMBot®?

AYMBot® is a fully automated Bitcoin (BTC) trading bot.BTC is the best performing asset in the history of mankind, but, there are problems; it trades 24/7/365 and its extremely volatile, which means 90% of traders find themselves losing 90% of their funds in the first 90 days of trading.

Enter AYMBot®, AYMBot® allows anyone to get exposure to the returns promised by BTC, while reducing the risk to systematically predetermined levels.

AYMBot® is smart. It knows when to buy, when to sell, how much to risk and whether the risk is worth taking to begin with.

It takes 15 minutes to setup AYMBot® and it gets started generating passive income for you immediately. Users keep their funds on them at all times and are free to withdraw at a click of a button.

With AYMBot® everyone can make passive income from the world’s best performing asset.

How do I get started with AYMBot®?

It’s as simple as heading over to, registering an account and following a couple of steps to get your exchange account linked. AYMBot gets started making trades for you straight away.

Is AYMBot® for me?

You bet! In fact AYMBot is for everyone, whether you’re already a veteran Bitcoin hodler or trader, or if you’ve never dipped your toe in BTC and need a place to get started, AYMBot works for you.

Why use AYMBot®?

AYMBot’s® algorithms are custom built from the ground up to trade Bitcoin. We enable everyone to make purely data driven, emotion free decisions so that they may trade and generate wealth like the pros. Our solution functions all the time so that you don’t have to.

Is BTC a good investment?

BTC is the best performing asset in the history of mankind.

On the economic side of things, we’ve seen more and more regulation and the acceptance of an exchange traded fund (ETF) in the USA, additionally El Salvador has made BTC official tender.

On the tech side, major updates are coming to BTC. These promise to make BTC more practical for day-to-day transactions, enabling wider adoption and more use cases down the line.

In my personal opinion, the conversation we should be having today is how much to allocate into BTC rather than whether you should invest at all.

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[email protected]

For the full article click here 


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