دليل تفعيل خاصية “الشورت” على حساب AYMBot® الخاص بك

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دليل تفعيل خاصية "الشورت" على حساب AYMBot® الخاص بك

لتفعيل حسابات العقود الآجلة على منصة باينانس من أجل تفعيل خاصية الشورت لدى ®AYMBot (بواسطة المتصفح)، يرجى اتباع الخطوات التالية:

أولاً: تفعيل خاصية العقود الاَجلة "فيوتشر" على Binance:
١- بتسجيل الدخول الى حساب الـ Binance الخاص بك
٢- قم بوضع الفأرة على خيار "المشتقات" في القائمة العلوية
٣- قم باختيار "نظرة عامة على عقود Binance الاَجلة"
٤- قم باختيار "فتح حساب"
٥- قم باختيار "إفتح الآن"

أصبح الان حساب الباينانس الخاص بك مؤهلاً لصفقات "الشورت"

إنشاء رموز API جديدة على Binance

قم بالعودة إلى صفحة "لوحة المعلومات"
Name API label and create (we recommend AYMBot)
Enter verification codes
After creating API, copy both API key and Secret key and paste them to the necessary fields

Login to your AYMBot account

Go into “account management” and paste both API key’s
And enable shorting functionality

Edit API permissions by

1- Clicking on edit restrictions
2- Apply the following permissions
  • Enable reading (automatically permitted)

  • Enable spot and margin trading

  • Enable futures

  • Enable universal transfers

    3- Tap on restrict access to trusted IP’s, and paste the AYMBot® IP addresses (copied from the “Trade Settings” section of your AYMBot account during the previous steps), into the required field.
    4- Ensure that you tap the “Confirm” button to save the IP’s you just pasted.

    Tutourial Feature Account APP

    Activate future account feature on Binance

    Login to Binance
    1- Tap on the “future” icon
    Tap on the “Buy/Long” icon to verify a future account
    Confirm activating the “open future account”

    Once these steps are completed the “future” feature is ready to use on your Binance account

    Create New API

    Tap on the “home” icon
    Tap on the “more” icon showing in the middle of the screen
    Scroll down to the bottom of the page and Tap on the “API Management” icon
    Name the API label (any memorable name you choose will do) and tap “Create API”
    Complete the Security (“2FA”) verification by entering the codes
    After creating API, copy both API Key and Secret key and paste them into the necessary fields in your “Account Management” section on www.aymbot.com by following the process in Step (3) below

    Update Your AYMBot(R) Account APIs

    1- Login to your AYMBot account

    2- Navigate to “account management”
    3- Scroll down to “trade settings”
    3- Go into “account management” and paste both API key’s
    4-Tap the “Edit APIs Button in order to update your API keys”
    5- Paste both the “API key” and “Secret key” you recently created on your Binance account in the relevant fields
    6- Toggle the “Shorting Functionality” button to the ON position to enable it for your account
    7- Ensure that you Tap the “Confirm” button and then the “Update” button once these steps are completed in order to save the new settings.
    8- Copy IP addresses Shown in the AYMBot(R) IPs field by Tapping the “Copy” Button.
    9- Return to the Binance App

    Edit API permissions

    1- Tap on the “Edit Restrictions” button.
    2- Check the following permissions:
    • Enable reading (automatically permitted)
    • Enable spot and margin trading
    • Enable futures
    • Enable universal transfers

      Finally Tap on “Save” to complete the process

      Congratulations! You’ve completed the steps required to enable the Short selling mode functionality of your AYMBot® account.
      Happy Trading!
      The AYMBot® Team