An amazing opportunity & a great idea – Mohammad Masri

Published by Laith Saket on

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An amazing opportunity & a great idea - Mohammad Masri

7th August, 2022


I look at Bitcoin, as I do consider most things in life, in terms of opportunity cost; If you had any certain amount of capital you could deploy, spend, invest, etc… Then you have a vast number of options regarding what you might eventually do with this sum. You could for example, spend this amount on a brand-new car, an asset that will immediately begin to depreciate (lose value) the moment you pull out of the lot. You could then later decide that you’d like to do something else, like get married for example, so you sell your brand-new car at a loss, and use the money as a down payment on a housing mortgage to help you get started with your new life. In this case, you didn’t just lose the money you originally had, you lost the potential rewards of any number of the other options you could’ve better spent the money on, such as investing in an asset that would’ve returned enough over time to finance both the car and the new house while also preserving the initial amount, that would have been a great idea.

 Every resource you have, can be put to all sorts of uses, and every decision you make has an opportunity cost. Take the example of a store that places its highly sought-after items on sale, normally customers flock to the store in order to purchase these items at a discount! This holds true in every matter of business except the business of investing, where an odd phenomena takes place time and again; people run out of the store as soon as an asset goes on sale in the markets! And the faster the price goes down the faster people seem to want to exit the market or run away from the asset. I have always found this extremely peculiar.

If you go back to march 2020, Bitcoin fell 50% in a matter of hours to around the $5200 range, back then, most people thought that it would continue its decline and shunned it or worse sold in a panic, whereas the savvy trader and investor recognized that this was in fact a buying opportunity that presented over 300% gains in that very year alone. Fast forward slightly in fact, Bitcoin went on to establish a new all-time high in October of 2021 gaining over 71% before the end of the year.

That is the point I would very much like to get across; Bitcoin presents us with an incredible opportunity on the whole, as well as amazing opportunities in the interim as its price dips (providing the opportunity to procure it at prices that are below its value).

 Today, in Bitcoin, we have been experiencing a problem with supply, a period where we have speculators participating in the market and pushing the price down at times by shorting (something that AYMBot® was able to benefit from significantly as it identified this trend throughout the month of June and parts of July), and creating uncertainty at other times.

You know when you’ve got a big idea, I can’t tell you what happens to your brain or nervous system at the time, but every now and then it’ll happen. The game in our lives is being able to recognize when you do have a big idea. The old saying goes “Opportunity comes to the prepared mind”. When I sat with our Co-Founder, CEO at AYMBot® Ahmad, and he talked to me about AYMBot® I knew it was a great idea;

I already recognized the amazing opportunity for phenomenal returns that Bitcoin in and of itself presents. And now I was presented with the opportunity of a system that is capable of constantly analyzing Bitcoin, identifying the market trend, and autonomously trading the market, managing the risk, and producing consistent returns over-time! suffice it to say; priceless.

Bitcoin will inevitably return to making highs and gains, that is guarantee, in the meantime, AYMBot® users will be poised and ready to capitalize, and generate returns with precision at every feasible opportunity. The question is, will you have seized the opportunity, or will you wind up then, considering the opportunity cost of another choice you make today? I’ve made my decision, your turn.


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