AYMBot® Historical Version Release Notes
AYMBot® 3.0_BULL Release Notes
Release Date: 7Th December 2021

AYMBot® 3.0_BULL Release Notes
Capital Allocation
This feature release enabled AYMBot® to operate more efficient risk management and position sizing, to guarantee more consistent results and profitability over the long term.
New User
Cronjob to detect and flag new orders every hour on the hour rather than once a day. This speeds up the onboarding process and makes the window for missed trades for new users narrower.
Fill ½
New users are updated every hour on the hour to narrow the window of missed opportunity, they can now also make use of filled orders as long as the trade remains unstopped, where in previous iterations new users could only make use of partially filled orders.
OCO Container
Binance only allows for 5 OCO orders to be operational at any given time, a backend container was created to allow for unlimited OCO orders in version 2.1; OCO priority was given to the lowest TP OCO. In the current iteration of AYMBot® the OCO execution to exchange priority is given to orders with the largest stop loss trigger price, this is especially important for enabling W3 pivots.
W3 Pivots
An introduction of a new trade possibility allowing AYMBot® to utilize the full power of Elliot Wave theory; AYMBot® is now able to read and execute third wave Elliot extensions. This greatly improves long term performance and profitability and reduces short term volatility to noise. This was especially problematic in earlier versions resulting in many stop losses.
Percentage Fills
W3 pivots and capital allocation features combine to optimize fill percetange. In essence we are able to take on larger positions while limiting risk dramatically increasing our risk reward ration and overall performance.
API Changes
Users can now change their API keys and enter them automatically into their accounts, this will automatically trigger the new user flag. In essence this further automates the entire process.
pivots are now sorted according to timestamp rather than creation date this allows AYMBot® to take on pivots created in the past allowing for trades that were previously impossible.