AYMTrack™ Glossary

Published by Laith Saket on

AYMTRack™ Glossary

Account Manager Your primary contact with the AYMSupport Team. Your account manager has a full overview of your account and your subscription and is ready to assist you whenever you need.
Shorting Functionality The optional functionality that enables AYMBot® to generate returns on your account during downward trends. This feature can be activated by navigating to the AYMBot® API Settings of the Account Management section. When deactivated, AYMBot® would be in risk averse mode during bear markets, its main aim would be capital preservation
Manual Intervention Indicates when AYMBot’s® Monitoring and Detection systems detect any instances of manual intervention on your account pertaining to orders and/or trades that lead to a change in the orders and parameters it is executing on your behalf. This indicator will remain active throughout the month in which any such detection takes place
Monthly Performance Report Downloadable Monthly Performance Report containing key insights into your account's performance throughout the month, as well as key metrics, information and insights into AYMBot® trading modes and parameters
AYMBot® Trading Mode/ Bias The Trading Mode and Bias that AYMBot® has assumed according to the market conditions.


Membership Start Date The date you successfully subscribed for an AYMBot® membership and paid the subscription fees.
Membership Expiry Date The date your AYMBot® subscription will be due for renewal. Upon expiry of your subscription AYMBot® will proceed to cancel all open orders, close all positions, and liquidate all BTC holdings to USDT, move all balance to spot wallet and then disconnect from your account.
Trading Start Date Date AYMBot® started trading. This does not necessarily equate to your membership start date
Initial Balance Your initial investment amount at time of subscription
Current Balance Total tradeable capital, updates in real-time
Base Balance Realized (secured) profits. Use the drop down menu to select the time frame, figures are updated every 24 hours
Last Month Closing Balance Your account balance at the end of the month prior (updates on the first of every month)
Total Deposits Total deposits since getting started with AYMBot®, updates every 24 hours
Total Withdrawals Total withdrawals since getting started with AYMBot®, updates every 24 hours
Realized Return Percentage realized (secured) return, use the dropdown menu to select your preferred time frame, updates every 24 hours
Realized PnL Realized (secured) profits. Use the drop down menu to select the time frame, figures are updated every 24 hours

All-Time PnL/ URPNL

Realized Return Percentage realized (secure) returns since getting started with AYMBot®, updates every 24 hours
Realized PnL Total realized (secure) profits since getting started with AYMBot®, updates every 24 hours
Current Unrealized Return Unrealized Return (not secured) since getting started, updates in real-time
Current URPNL Unrealized (not secured) profit on your account since getting started, updates in real-time
Last Month Unrealized Return Unrealized (not secured) profit for the calendar month prior, updates every month
Last Month URPNL Unrealized (not secured) return for the calendar month prior, updates every month
Last Month Realized PnL The return on investment on your AYMBot® account at the end of the calendar month prior

Daily Metrics 

Daily Realized PnL Your primary contact with the AYMSupport Team. Your account manager has a full overview of your account and your subscription and is ready to assist you whenever you need.
Daily URPNL (Graph) Graphical representation of your daily unrealized (not secured) profits on your account for the past 7 days, updates every 24 hours
Daily Balance Change (Graph) Shows the absolute change in the value of your portfolio, gains/losses are unrealized, updates every 24 hours

Trade Metrics

Trade Distribution AYMBot®’s current fund allocation, updates in real-time
Order Distribution Percentages of open long and short orders from total account, updates in real-time
Fill Status Percentages of filled Vs. un-fulfilled trades, updates in real-time
Trade Outcomes Percentages of trades closed with TP Vs. SL from total closed trades, updates in real-time
Aggregate Open Trades Number of open trades, includes sell and buy side trades, updates in real-time
Aggregate Open Orders Outstanding buy/sell orders, includes sell and buy side orders, updates in real-time
Trade Success Rate Percentage of trades closed hitting TP targets or trailing stop loss from total closed orders
Last Trade Outcome Outcome of the most recently closed trade, includes sell and buy side trades, updates in real-time
PnL from Last Trade Absolute profit from the most recently closed trade, includes sell and buy side trades, updates in real-time
Return from Last Trade Percentage return on the most recently closed trade, includes sell and buy side trades, updates in real-time
Reduced Position Trades Reduce position trades reduce your exposure to the underlying asset. This shows the total number of trades across both spot and derivatives accounts
Increased Exposure Orders Increase exposure orders increase your exposure to the underlying asset. This shows the total number of orders across both spot and derivatives accounts

Portfolio Allocation

USDT in Order USDT currently locked up in orders, updates in real-time
Total USDT Total USDT holdings, includes available and locked, updates in real-time
Available USDT Free USDT, updates in real-time
USDT Held of Total Account Percentage USDT held from total account balance, updates in real-time
BTC in Order Bitcoin in OCO orders, updates in real-time
Available BTC Binance allows 5 OCO orders per trading pair. AYMBot® prioritizes and stores additional OCO orders until there is space on your exchange account. This is the amount of BTC currently without OCO orders, updates in real-time
Long Position of Total Account Percentage BTC held from total account balance, updates in real-time
Value of BTC in USDT Value of your bitcoin holdings in USDT, updates in real-time
Position Size (USDT) Open short position size in USDT, updates in real-time
Position Size (BTC) Open short position size in BTC, updates in real-time
Margin Balance Balance held as margin serving as collateral for open positions, updates in real-time
Short Position of Total Account Percentage of open short position from total account, updates in real-time

Allocation of Funds (Spot Wallet)

Available USDT Available USDT in spot wallet, updates in real-time
USDT in Order USDT locked in long orders, updates in real-time
Available BTC Binance allows 5 OCO orders per trading pair. AYMBot® prioritizes and stores additional OCO orders until there is space on your exchange account. This is the amount of BTC currently without OCO orders, updates in real-time
BTC in Order Bitcoin in OCO orders, updates in real-time
No. of Buy Orders Open buy orders, updates in real-time
No. of Sell Orders Open sell orders, updates in real-time
Aggregate Balance Total balance held in spot account, updates in real-time
Last Trade Outcome Outcome of the most recently closed long trade, updates in real-time
Last Trade PnL Absolute profit from the most recently closed long trade, updates in real-time
Return from Last Trade Return on the most recently closed long trade, updates in real-time
Percentage Held in Spot Percentage of total funds held in spot account, updates in real-time
BTC Holdings in Spot Ratio of BTC held in spot account, updates in real time
USDT Holdings in Spot Ratio of USDT held in spot account, updates in real time
Value of BTC in USDT Value of your bitcoin holdings in USDT, updates in real-time

Allocation of Funds (Derivatives)

Available USDT Available USDT in derivatives wallet, updates in real-time
USDT in Order USDT locked in short orders, updates in real-time
Margin Balance Balance held as margin serving as collateral for open positions, updates in real-time
Margin Type AYMBot® strictly uses Cross Margin. Switching to Isolated Margin will qualify your account for manual intervention, updates in real-time
Aggregate Balance Total balance held in derivatives account, updates in real-time
Leverage AYMBot® strictly never uses leverage, all trades are taken on a 1:1 basis. Utilizing leverage will qualify your account for manual intervention, updates in real-time
Value of Open Shorts (USDT) Open short position size, updates in real-time
Value of Open Shorts (BTC) Open short position size, updates in real-time
No. of Buy Orders Number of Buy orders currently placed (Derivatives account), updates in real-time
No. of Sell Orders Number of Sell orders currently placed (Derivatives account) , updates in real-time
Open Position URPNL Unrealized (not secured) profit of the current open position
Percentage Held in Derivatives The percentage of current balance placed in your derivatives wallet
Last Trade Outcome Outcome of last closed (Short) trade, updates in real-time
Last Trade PnL Absolute profit from the last closed (short) trade, updates in real-time
Return on Last Trade Return from the most recently closed short trade, updates in real-time

Distribution of Funds

Distribution of Funds Distribution of funds across spot and derivatives wallets, updates in real-time