How it works
The most common answers to how AYMBot® manages your account and generates passive income on your behalf

How many trades does AYMBot® execute usually?
AYMBot® doesn’t have a fixed number of daily, weekly, or even monthly trades. Through the power of its advanced AI and algorithm it has a mind of its own and it performs its own never ending technical analysis of the market to decide when to buy and when to sell. Sometimes that will mean lots of orders in a short amount of time and sometimes it will mean that just a few orders over a longer timeframe.
How does AYMBot know to protect my funds from Bitcoin’s volatility and generate returns over time?
AYMBot® has been designed to learn from the asset it trades. It takes up information in real time and continually adjusts Elliot wave pivots to reflect the most recent changes.
AYMBot® applies technical analysis tools and advanced methods to determine entry parameters. These TA tools are hardcoded into AYMBot® and run on multiple timeframes for maximum yield and efficiency.
Before a trade is executed on exchange, it must first qualify. AYMBot® runs a simple qualification test to ensure that the combination of weighted average price, stop loss, and take profit result in an RR ratio > 2.5.
After this qualification, AYMBot® runs account risk management and position sizing processes to determine the size of each trade. The processes ensure that no less than 3% and no more than 9% is risked per trade.
The trade is now executed; safeguards are built into AYMBot® to prevent any kind of slippage. AYMBot® will continue tracking the status of each trade in 1 second increments and to trail the stop, such that a near miss of the take profit level does not result in a loss should the market reverse course. Otherwise the trade remains open indefinitely until the stop loss or the target profit prices are hit.
This brief snapshot of the processes AYMBot® runs constantly and for each and every trade. Over time and across multiple timeframes, while engaging multiple trades all at once, AYMBot® protects users from the volatility of Bitcoin while algorithmically generating returns from it.