How to Connect AYMTrack™ (Desktop)

Published by Laith Saket on

How to Connect AYMTrack™ (Desktop)

Guide to connect your AYMBot® account to AYMTrack™

Follow the steps below to connect your AYMBot® account to AYMTrack™


1. Login to your Binance account

2. Hover over the “account management” icon

a) Click on “API management

b) Click on “Create API

c) Give the API a memorable name then click on “Next

d) Complete the Security (“2FA”) verification by entering the codes.

3. Copy the newly generated API and secret key

a) AYMTrack™ only requires that you select “enable reading”, which is already selected by default meaning no further action is needed

4. Head over to ( and sign into your registered account

a) Navigate to the “account management” page, then scroll down to the AYMTrack™ section

b) Click on “edit APIs

c) Paste newly generated API and secret key into the required fields

d) Finally click on “update

AYMTrack™ is now successfully connected!

Happy Trading!

The AYMBot® team