How to Connect AYMTrack™ (Mobile)
Guide to connect your AYMBot® account to AYMTrack™
Follow the steps below to connect your AYMBot® account to AYMTrack™

1. Login to your Binance account
2. Tap on the “home” icon located on the bottom left of the screen

a) Tap on the “more” icon

b) Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap on “API management”

c) Give the API a memorable name and tap on “create API”

3. Copy the newly generated API and secret key

a) AYMTrack™ only requires that you select “enable reading”, which is already selected by default, meaning no further action is needed

4. Head over to ( and sign into your registered account
a) Navigate to the “account management” page

b) Scroll down to the AYMTrack™ section

c) Tap on “edit APIs”

d) Paste the newly generated API and secret key into the required fields

e) Finally tap on “Update”
AYMTrack™ is now successfully connected!
Happy Trading!
The AYMBot® team