Answers to the most common questions regarding what to expect from AYMBot® over the course of your subscription.

What kind of returns should I expect AYMBot® to make?
Throughout the course of your annual AYMBot® subscription you can expect to generate an average of 5% per month, that’s not to say that AYMBot® won’t outperform Bitcoin from time to time though! In fact, the algorithmic trading methodologies AYMBot® employs are capable of generating phenomenal returns over time;
Will AYMBot® always outperform Bitcoin?
In the long-run yes AYMBot® will inevitably perform better than Bitcoin. In fact, when back-tested, AYMBot® outperformed Bitcoin by 3x over a 45 month period.
However, AYMBot® isn’t designed to always outperform Bitcoin, so from-time-to-time it often won’t. Rather, it’s designed to tame and exploit it for you so that you can safely and securely tap into the returns that it affords as an asset without any user intervention at all, while limiting the risk of its extreme volatility. AYMBot® knows full-well that it is responsible for the funds in your account over the course of your subscription, so it won’t take any unnecessary risks even if there’s a price break-out, it will stick to its plan, keeping emotions and sentiment to the humans as it generates passive income for its user over time.